What Is Energy Medicine?
The reason why something like energy medicine can work is because everything IS energy... and there is an energy field within all living things. Everything that exists has an energetic vibration that is unique to them. My training allows me to connect with the energy and energy field of others. This can be done with a patient right in front of me or this can be done with a patient across the world. Because everything is energy there are no limits to it or its use. Through connecting to an animal’s energy and energy field, I am able to ask and receive information about the body about its function and dysfunction. I am then trained to correct, balance or release negative and dysfunctional energy from the body where needed to restore function, balance and alignment.
I am trained in several energy healing modalities and which ones are used with a patient is patient dependent and session dependent... they tell me the best modality to use as the body innately knows how to heal itself. Collectively, using applied kinesiology (also known as muscle testing) and medical intuitiveness, I use these modalities to identify and correct the different imbalances in the body that cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems for animals.
The reason why something like energy medicine can work is because everything IS energy... and there is an energy field within all living things. Everything that exists has an energetic vibration that is unique to them. My training allows me to connect with the energy and energy field of others. This can be done with a patient right in front of me or this can be done with a patient across the world. Because everything is energy there are no limits to it or its use. Through connecting to an animal’s energy and energy field, I am able to ask and receive information about the body about its function and dysfunction. I am then trained to correct, balance or release negative and dysfunctional energy from the body where needed to restore function, balance and alignment.
I am trained in several energy healing modalities and which ones are used with a patient is patient dependent and session dependent... they tell me the best modality to use as the body innately knows how to heal itself. Collectively, using applied kinesiology (also known as muscle testing) and medical intuitiveness, I use these modalities to identify and correct the different imbalances in the body that cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems for animals.
What Is Muscle Testing?
Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology, is based on the fact that everyone has an energetic field connected to their body. This energy field surrounds an individual’s body and is 100% specific to their body and their body alone... no two bodies have the same energy field or frequency as a whole. In fact every single THING that exists has an energetic frequency to it, this energetic frequency being unique and individual as well.
On an even smaller scale, every single body part, system, organ, gland, tissue, and cell has its own energetic frequency that it holds. This energetic frequency can be identified and muscle tested specifically to ascertain its health or dysfunction.
It is known that the strength or weakness of a being’s energy field is dependent on its relationship to things outside of itself and within itself. For example, if you have an allergy to a substance and that substance is held up to your body, or that substance is muscle tested using a surrogate or a proxy (this is explained below), your energy field would instantly go weak because that substance is harmful to you. Accordingly, it is also known that substances that are therapeutic to the body will strengthen the body’s energy field and muscle testing results are positive, i.e. strong.
Within an individual’s body, remember that everything within it holds its own energetic frequency. Every body part, body system, organ, gland, tissue and cell can be muscle tested for its individual function or dysfunction. If a certain part of the body is ailing, this part of the body will muscle test weak to denote its dysfunction or imbalance. If an organ is functioning well, it will muscle test as strong.
General veterinary medicine makes a diagnosis based on the body part affected and failed to look at the body as a whole. It fails to appreciate that everything in the body is connected which is why it is limited at times to only being able to control a symptom, usually with synthetic toxic medications, and not resolve and heal the issue completely. For example, a common issue for dogs is the clinical symptom of hind end weakness or limping on a hind limb. A general veterinarian will diagnose an orthopedic disease like arthritis, hip dysplasia or a tear in a knee ligament and not look any further. However, with Energy Medicine, I can ascertain through muscle testing your dog’s body that the musculoskeletal system muscle tests as strong but the urogenital system muscle tests as weak (dysfunctional). More specifically we may find that within the urogenital system it is the kidneys specifically that are muscle testing weak, meaning they are directly involved with the symptoms of weakness. In this case, because of the energetic connections within the body, and also taking into account acupuncture meridians, when the kidneys are imbalanced it can cause discomfort in the mid and lower back, discomfort in the hips and the legs and can also cause generalized fatigue. So your dog is diagnosed with arthritis or a neurological disorder when all along this was early signs of kidney imbalance. Fast forward into the future, the kidney will eventually become profoundly imbalanced, your dog will eventually start to exhibit actual clinical signs of kidney disease, bloodwork changes will support kidney disease and you will be told that your dog now has another disease “because he is getting old.” All too often we accept that there is nothing we can do to alter what happens within the body or the rate at which it ages. This is not true. We just need to look at the body differently and learn to read its cues a little better. Every symptom a body manifests is an indicator of underlying imbalances in the body sometimes originating somewhere else.
Muscle Testing Animals
Animals cannot be muscle tested like a person where one’s own body is used. To directly muscle test an individual requires that individual’s comprehension and understanding of the process of muscle testing and requires certain instructions to be followed which animals cannot do. Animals are muscle tested either by surrogate (a
person) or muscle tested by “proxy”. Surrogate muscle testing is when person, having a physical connection with the pet (usually simply placing their hand on the pet), is muscle tested. For example, if I used you as surrogate, you would sit with your hand on your pet and I would muscle test your body in place of your pet. This requires 100% connection by the owner being used as surrogate and 100% focus on the pet by the surrogate AT ALL TIMES. It also requires the surrogate to 100% not let their own opinions about the session interfere with the pet’s. I have found this to be just about 100% unreliable with using owners as surrogates as it impossible for the owners to have unfettered connection with their pet for an extended period of time and not influence the results of the muscle testing. So in essence, using an owner as a surrogate can and usually does to a degree yield results from the owner NOT the pet which would not only be inacurrate but also null and void.
Because of this, most energy practitioners that work with animals will use what is called “proxy” muscle testing. Proxy muscle testing is when a practitioner has been trained to connect with a patient’s energy field. Because the practitioner does not have an established emotional history, with training, a practitioner can maintain 100% connection and focus with your pet using themselves as proxy. Once that connection is made, the practitioner can muscle test their own body as someone else’s. I use my own body to muscle test your pet’s energy field/energy/body to yield information. And then, just as I am given information by the body, I am trained to release or correct the imbalances that created whatever issue I am working on. Again, I muscle test my body AS your pet’s body... this is proxy muscle testing.
Remember that there is no limits to energy in this world so I can connect with the energy of your pet’s body to facilitate healing no matter where he/she is physically located. Because I am trained to know how to connect with your pet’s energy field and because I am trained in proxy muscle testing, your pet does not need to be in my office for me to work on your pet with Energy Medicine.
Emotional Release Work/Trauma Release Work
On the emotional side specifically, my work identifies emotional triggers in the body that cause dysfunctional physical and emotional issues and behaviors. Every being that exists experiences emotions, good and bad... we are supposed to feel them and then they wash through us and out. When we have experienced intense negative emotional stress or trauma or even repeated negative stress or trauma, these negative emotions can get trapped in the body. They are literally like balls of energy, vibrating at different frequencies depending on what the emotion is. They are negative, destructive vibrations and tend to affect the body wherever they are stuck, creating pain and malfunction in the surrounding bodily tissues, even disease (even cancer). They can also cause depression, anxiety and aggression in pets. Behaviorly, releasing negative trapped emotions releases the emotional triggers for unwanted or destructive behavior.
It allows an animal to be able to create different positive behaviors. It also allows for proper constructive behavioral training that wasn’t effective before to now be effective. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions right for the body to physically and emotionally heal. Energy Medicine heals on the level of both the energy body and the physical body. Within both, negative or traumatic emotions or the energy of these emotions can become trapped.
How Energy Medicine Can Heal the Physical Body
There is a physical side to Energy Medicine as well where I look for things like infections, toxins, nutritional deficiencies and structural imbalances and address those according to what the body needs... all of the above can be corrected, balanced or released from the body using energetic clearing protocols.
A symptom in the body whether it is pain or dysfunction, is simply a collection of imbalances that have been created in the body over time. For specific ailments that an animal may be experiencing, I can ask their body to show me all the steps it took to create it and my work can undo it one layer at time until balance and normal function are restored. For longer standing issues this will take time and multiple sessions. This is the case for MOST of my patients.
Physical and Emotional Toxicity
One of the biggest issues I have found in our animals is toxicity, or the buildup of emotional and physical stressors in the body as mentioned above, stressors brought on not only by living with humans and the expectations we have of our animals but also being fed lesser quality food, vaccinations, medications, heavy metal exposure in our water, food and supplements, energetic toxicities like microwaves, emf’s, sound, cellular, pathogens, stress hormones, even being given supplements they don’t need creates extra work and toxicity in the body.
The most toxic negative energy that is affecting animals today I have found to be 5G toxicity. This is one of the reasons why in 2020 more and more pets are becoming sicker and sicker. Energy Medicine can rid the body of this toxicity. Once that is done, there are energetic protocols that can be done to consistently protect an animal from being affected by 5G toxicity in the future.

My Approach
I work on all levels with animals and their owners. I work on the physical level, the emotional level and all spiritual and energy levels. Energy Medicine is not only able to clear and balance a patient but also reduces or prevents exposure to all of the above.
My work is about removing imbalances, physically, emotionally, spiritually and energetically in order to make conditions right for the body to heal itself, which it innately knows how to do.